Does Your Bookkeeper Understand the Dental Industry?

At Debits & Credits, we specialize in accounting and bookkeeping for dental practices.

3 Big Reasons we think we are a better dental bookkeeper than your current service. – We offer services your current bookkeeper/accountant probably doesn’t so we can help make sure you are on track to meet or exceed your industry averages, keep your employees safe, and save time and money!

  1. ODA Statistics

We compare and review your income statement with ODA statistics to see how it rates.  Our firm will use average practice cost comparison for your practice to determine how you stack up versus the industry.  We will look at the average and efficiency markers for your revenues, fixed costs, long and short run variable costs and discretionary costs to determine what areas you could be more efficient.  Once the data analysis is complete, we can provide those recommendations to get your net income efficiency to the point of where you want to be.  Our goal would be to meet your goals. Know what you don’t know.

  1. What about Human Resource Services?

 Did you know, If your practice has 6 Employees (including part time) or more, Section 8 of OHSA  (Ontario Health & Safety Act)  below applies to you!

Mandatory selection of health and safety representative

  1. (1)At a project or other workplace where no committee is required under section 9 and where the number of workers regularly exceeds five, the constructor or employer shall cause the workers to select at least one health and safety representative from among the workers at the workplace who do not exercise managerial functions.  R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, s. 8 (1).

Get Informed! Does your Dental Practice own an Employee Handbook specific to Dentists? What are your responsibilities?

Debits and Credits will assist you in creating or updating an Employee Handbook suitable for your dental business.  It will contain office policies that will meet government guidelines.

Make your practice is more secure by having an Employee Handbook.  Handle everything from office gossip & progressive discipline to Bill 168 re OHSA violence and harassment in workplace.

Expensive? No, it does not have to be.   You can pick and choose your policy for as little as $69 each.

  1. File transfer !

We can upload the information instead of entering line by line on a statement which can save thousands of dollars.  Do you need to change accounting software packages?  We can take care of that transition for you.  If you need years of information caught up or rectified, we will do that as well.  Our rates for this service are competitive at $55/hr.

Note: Our General In house bookkeeping rates are from $35/hr.

Let us be Your Dental Bookkeeper:

If you are a dentist starting up your practice or looking for a change in your bookkeeping, call our office at 705-735-0022 or 1-855-735-0022 Toll Free where one of our experienced professionals will be more than happy to sit with you for a free consultation.  We can analyze the industry standards using ODA statistics and compare them to your practice to see where you stand.  We provide Human Resource Services that pertain to the dental industry.  We can deliver day-to-day accounting services that are suited for your dental practice.  Let us take care of your finances while you can attend to running your business!

Serving central and south-central Ontario from GTA through Barrie to Orillia.

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